My book … Slightly Bonkers Jamie

SBJ Advance Information

Click on this link above to see  information on my book and how to order a copy before it gets listed on Amazon.  Advance copies are priced at £16.99 with postage and packing at £3.01, i.e. if you send me £20 (cash or cheque only) I will send you a copy post haste. It’s a riveting read! I would say that, wouldn’t I. I’ll also inscribe any message that you require.

Good news came the other day with a listing for the Kindle ebook of ‘Slightly Bonkers Jamie’ going live. One of these ebooks costs £4.78 on the site and I think $5.99 on the .com site. I still await the hardback’s listing on Amazon so the only way to get a copy at the moment is to follow the link at the top of the page.